Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The organisation recognises that its business activities interact with the environment in a variety of ways. These activities have a significant impact in the key areas of energy use and generation of waste materials.

The organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to help protect the environment wherever it has an opportunity to do so, to be a responsible neighbour, and to provide a comfortable environment for its employees to work in.

As such, the Directors of the organisation are committed to the following:

  • Protecting the environment;
  • Continual improvement in the environmental impact of its business activities;
  • Improving the environmental benefits provided by its products/services;
  • Preventing pollution;
  • Complying with all relevant legal, customer, and other third party requirements;
  • Setting measurable environmental objectives that will help minimise its environmental impact;
  • Adopting best practices applicable to its activities wherever practicable.

The organisation will achieve these commitments by:

  • Implementing and maintaining an Environmental Management System that is independently certified as compliant with ISO 14001:2015;
  • Employing processes that identify the aspects of the organisation’s business that have an environmental impact and quantifying the significance of each aspect;
  • Maintaining an environmental performance improvement programme to enable the organisation’s objectives to be achieved;
  • Ensuring that its employees, suppliers and customers are aware of their role in supporting the organisation’s commitments and environmental objectives;
  • Training its employees in good environmental protection practices and encouraging employee involvement in environmental improvement initiatives;
  • Continually monitoring the environmental impact of its business activities.

The implementation of this policy is fundamental to the success of the organisation’s business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work.

This policy is publicly available to interested external parties upon request.


The following Environmental Objectives have been derived from our Vision, Mission & Values Statement and Environmental Policy.

Our Environmental Objectives for 2022 / 2023 are:

  • To support and lead in a caring, friendly and safe working environment
  • To reduce our Environmental impact.

Our Key Measures for these objectives are:

  • Investigate our current DMR and General Waste handling
  • Investigate replacement of current OEM Ethafoam packaging components with more easily recyclable or biodegradable alternative
  • Remove disposable Polystyrene packing from our supply chain

The data for these Key Measures will be obtained from the following sources:

  • Determine if the current storage methods, volume of waste & frequency of collections are efficient and if any savings can be calculated
  • A study will be required to assess the properties of the current packaging and its ability to prevent damage in transit versus alternative packing materials
  • Ensuring suppliers of OEM products do not supply polystyrene or other non-recyclable packaging

These Key Measures will be reviewed regularly to ensure we are meeting our Objectives.

Change history record

Issue: ECR5024 – Rev 5

Approval: Nick Baldwin – Sales & Marketing Director and Bob Schulz – Manufacturing Director

Date of issue: 24 November 2022

Document Control
Reference: ECR5024 - Rev 5
Issue No.: 5
Issue Date: 26/04/2023
Last Review Date: 26/04/2023