Added Peace of Mind with our 7-Year Warranty*
When it comes to the systems you rely upon to keep lives safe, complete confidence is the very least you should expect. That’s why all newly manufactured Baldwin Boxall products come with a manufacturer’s 7-year warranty as standard.
Over the years, the Baldwin Boxall brand has become a steadfast symbol of reliability and quality. When you choose one of our systems you can be certain of our unique and clear commitment to the highest standards in life safety communication systems.
Our industry-leading warranty attests to our confidence in the quality of our systems and components, of which all new Baldwin Boxall manufactured products benefit.
Baldwin Boxall products are robust, reliable and dependable. And our products are backed by a friendly and knowledgeable customer care team.
In fact, our customer surveys are a testament to the assured knowledge that our systems, service, and aftercare are valued so highly that 99% of our customers would recommend us!
Ranges covered by our 7-Year Warranty
All new manufactured Baldwin Boxall products come with a 7-Year Warranty as standard.

Does your system require a Service or Maintenance?
Voice Alarm and Emergency Voice Communication systems must work as needed and it is essential that the systems are regularly checked and maintained in accordance with the requirements of BS5839 (Part 8 for VA and Part 9 for EVC).
Whether you need a one-off visit or a full maintenance contract, we are here to help. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, our friendly team are experts in servicing and maintaining Baldwin Boxall systems and are ready to provide solution-focused support to ensure your VIGIL systems continue to work as they should.
About Baldwin Boxall
Made in Britain and backed by our 7-Year Guarantee. Industry leading customer care. Ability to adapt to our clients’ bespoke product requirements.