Baldwin Boxall voice alarm systems were initially installed in the three sites featured in 2004, this was part of a modernisation project by Tubelines. In 2015 it was decided to update the systems by changing out the original BVR20 voice alarm system routers and upgrading to the later EVAS routers.
The rest of the system such as VIGIL Amplifiers and power supplies continue to fully function to full specification and so remain in place. There was no need to change them even after over ten years of continual, heavy use every single day.
Any Baldwin Boxall system is, and always has been, built with longevity and quality in mind. This is just one example, from one customer, which confirms this.
The Project
Each of the upgraded voice alarm systems include the following facilities:
Station Master Console (SMC)
The SMC on this system is easy to use BVRD16 unit with LCD screens. It provides users with full control of the system including zone selection, live and/or stored message broadcast simultaneously, zonal volume adjustment using the routers remote volume facility, ‘all call’ function and more.
‘Listen in’ facility
Provides the operator of the SMC with the ability to listen to any broadcast being made to a platform or any of the other zones on the system. This enables the user to check that the zone is clear prior to making an announcement.
Ambient noise sensors
A special microphone that ‘listens’ to the levels of ambient noise and automatically adjusts the power of the amplifiers accordingly. This ensures that any announcement is broadcast at the correct level so that it is clearly audible.
End-of-line monitoring
All voice alarm systems are fully monitored at every point, including cabling, loudspeakers, microphones and backup batteries. Any faults are reported both audibly and visually – at the system rack and, depending on type of fault, on the microphone or end-of-line monitors. This ensures that the system can be relied upon to work at all times. End-of-line monitoring is one method of monitoring the loudspeaker line.
BVRDIP remote monitoring device
This unit provides the ability to check the status of the system from any where, at any time, online. This can be of great benefit to engineers and companies employed to maintain the system. The BVRDIP will send a notification email to the nominated address should a fault occur on the system.
Station Announcement Point (SAP)
This is a single-zone paging microphone specifically designed for London Underground station platforms. It is a fully monitored unit with a lockable door. The IP55 rated unit is fitted with a fist microphone and there is an option for the unit to be operated via a radio microphone (the position of a key switch on the unit determines the source for the broadcast).

- Modular system upgrade ability
- Simultaneous messaging in multiple zones
- Zonal paging & message broadcast
- Full fault monitoring
- Uninterrupted protection
- Ambient noise sensors ensure broadcast clarity
- Remote fault monitoring
- Station Master Console (SMC)
- Station Announcement Point (SAP)
PAVA system
- VIGIL2 voice alarm
- Ambient noise sensing microphones
- BVRDIP remote monitoring device
- End of line monitoring
- 16x zone voice alarm microphone for SMC
- Single zone paging microphone for SAP
- Digitally stored messages
- Battery back up